Abt, Paul W., 1362
Adams, Robert L., 1528
Adams, Willard W., 1299
Adams county, 174
Adderly, Henry C., 575
Adles, Max, 923
Agnew, T. Lee, 780
Agricultural resources-
Preponderance of rural population, 419;
average size and price of farms, 420;
per cent of value in lands, buildings, etc., 420;
number of farms, 421;
educational agencies, 421
Aiken, Hiram M., 1233
Akers, Peter, 385
Albion, 453, 454, 549
Alexander, James, 1376
Alexander, John, 1376
Alexander, Milton K., 205
Alexander, Walter C., 569
Alexander, William M., 425
Alexander county-First settlers
near Thebes and at Cairo, 425;
county seat changes, 425;
Cairo surveyed and founded, 427;
lumber interests and levees, 427;
Alexander in the war, 427;
industries, railroads and schools, 428;
noted visitors, 429;
some prominent men of the county, 431;
the old town of Thebes, 431;
the visit of the "Concord," 431;
Alexander county court house
(illustration)-At Cairo, 424;
at Thebes (1845), 426
Allen, James C.,314,338,447,1608
Allen, Thomas 0., 329
Allen, William J., 338
Allio, James H., 1139
Allyn, Robert, 402, 407
Almira College, 435
Alsbrook, Arthur B., 811
Alsbrook, Robert W., 793
Alsup, James T., 1509
Altgeld, John P., 341
Alto Pass, 545
Alton Battalion, 332
city hall where Lincoln-Douglas debate was held (illustration), 302
Alton Seminary, 383
Alton Spectator," 348
Ames, E. R., 384
Amity Academy, 434
Andel, Casimir, 334
Anderson, Amos, 514
Anderson, Benjamin H., 902
Anderson, Charles E., 1040
Anderson, Cyrus H., 956
Anderson, George H., 1642
Andrews, George W., 1106
Anna, 545
Anti-Nebraska party, 250
Antrim, Hugh 5., 740
Apple, Elmer L., 1579
Applegath, Joseph, 455
Applegath, (Mrs.) Joseph, 456
Archer. William B., 436
Asbury, Isaac M., 1417
Atherton, William N., 1699
Attractive architecture,
McLeansboro (illustrated), 476
Badgley settlement, 173
Bailey, Henry, 1540
Bainhridge, 564
Baird, Samuel W., 1161
Baker, Carl, 1135
Baker, David J., 166, 527
Baker, E. D., 230, 560
Bald Knob, 544
Baldwin, Theron, 372
Ballance, John W., 603
Bank of Cairo, 410
Bank of Illinois (Shawneetown), 125, 198, 223, 409, 412
Bank bills (illustrations), Issued by Edwardsville bank in 1821, 141; by Cairo bank, 196
Banks and banking
First land offices and banks in Egypt, 409;
Bank of Illinois" created, 409;
Bank of Cairo, 410;
the state banks, 410;
internal improvement schemes, 411;
financial complications and embarassments, 412;
the Free Banking Law, 414;
Wild Cat" banks; 415;
one hundred and fifteen banks of issue, 415;
effects of national banking system, 416;
illinois Bankers' Association, 416;
group No. 10, (Southern Illinois), 417; building and loan associations, 124, 194, 243, 417
Banks and banking (illustrations),
Cairo bank, Kaskaskia, 410;
old banking house in Shawneetown (1840), 413
Bankson, James, 552
"Baptist Banner," 348
Baptists (early), 121, 179
Barclay, Guy 0., 1492
Barclay, Phil C., 626
Barker, Daniel P.. 878
Barker,Lewis, 489
Barnett, William U., 1482
Barr, William W., 817
Barringer, George, 602
Bartlett, Oscar L., 632
Bartmes, Frank, 1030
Barton, John H., 1697
Bateman, Newton, 255, 393
Battle of Bad Axe, 191
Beach, Herbert C., 877
"Beacon," 445
Bean, Jerome F., 1694
Beatte, Ira, 1305
Beclitold, Herman T., 1193
Bechtold, William G., 1123
Beck, Guy, 461
Beckemeyer, Herman H., 1633
Becker, Edward P., 1076
Beecher, Edward, 372
Beever, John C., 980
Beever, W. George, 961
Begg, J. Cyril, 1357
Belleville, 532, 533, 535
Bellefontaine, 509
Bellmann, Emanuel, 1497
Bennett, John, 941
Benson, Newton J., 693
Benton, 467
Bergen, John G., 178
Bernreuter, Louis, 1234
Berry, William, 346
Beveridge, John L., 340
Bierer, Frederick C., 662
Bierer, Frederick G., 663
Big Four Depot and Y. M. C. A. building, Mt. Carmel (illustration), 550
Big Muddy river, 355
Biggs, William, 433, 509
Binder, John F. W., 1056
Birkbeck, Morris, 143 153, 346, 453, 454, 456, 457, 559
Birkner, Edward H., 1182
Bissell, L. H., 459
Bissell, William H., 229, 251
Bissell (William H.), administration
Official oath against dueling, 253;
Bissell-Davis affair, 254
Black Hawk (portrait), 185
Black Hawk war, 183
Blake, Edward L., 1405
Blake, William B., 1072
Blanchard, Israel, 322
Boewe, Ernest E., 1589
Boggs, Vivian 0., 772
Boisbriant Pierre Duque, 59, 66
Bon Pas block house, 549
Bond, Shadrach, 103, 117, 118, 135, 136, 147, 494, 509, 527
Bond (Shadrach) administration
Starting the new machinery, 136;
Illinois Black Code, 138;
in the new capital, 139;
attempted financial relief, 139;
Military tract, 142;
the English Prairie settlement, 142;
Governor Bond returns to his farm, 147.
Bond county
Two' neighborhood forts built (1811), 432;
the Cox massacre, 432;
Salt works, 433;
slavery issue in Bond county, 434;
schools, 434;
farms and finances, 435
Bone, Finis E., 975
Bouncy, John R., 1242
Borah, William E., 556
Borah, William N., 556
Borah, James L., 1636
Boswell, Charles J., 911
Bour. Frank i5~4
Bouthillier, 175
Bowlesville, 472, 482
Boys corn club in Johnson county (illustration), 374
Boyd, Christopher J., 1201
Boyer, Eli, 531
Bracy, Benjamin D.. 1080
Bradbury, Presley G., 1536
Braden, Clark, 390, (389 portrait), 391
Braden, William B., 1175
Bradley, Daniel J., 1326
Bradley, James,, 383
Bradley, Thomas A, 625
Bramlett, John D., 863
Brayfield, Benjamin F., 695
Breese, Sidney, 238, 376, 445
Breeze, Emanuel, 906
Brick, 19
Bridges, Gus H., 699
Bridges, Harry T., 678
British occupation, 72
Britton, Edward G., 657
Brock, F. M., 1655
Brookport (Brooklyn), 507
Brooks, John F., 372
Brooks, William, 439
Brosman, William H., 1595
Brown, Alfred, 1165
Brown, Austin I., 1327
Brown, Charles, 982
Brown, Columbus, 614
Brown, John J., 1615
Brown, John M., 630
Brown, John P., 886
Brown, Joseph M., 1144
Brown, R. B., 596
Brown, Samuel B., 1523
Brown, William H., 166, 346
Browning, John L., 1579
Browning, Levi, 1577
Browning, Nelson, 667
Browning, 0. H., 251
Brownsville's only remaining house, 483
Bruchhauser, William, 625
Brush, Daniel H., 1398
Brush, Samuel T., 1395
Bryan, Silas Lillard, 338, 503
Bryan, William Jennings, 338, 504
Bryant, Emmett 0., 1516
Bryden, William, 577
Bucher, Eberhard, 789
Building and loan associations, 417
Bunch, Andrew J., 264
Bundy, Joseph B., 744
Bundy, William F., 1479
Burbes, Henry 5., 963
Burch, Elmer, 1261
Burgess, Hampton 5., 1610
Burkhardt, Henry, 1377
Burkhardt, John M., 1309
Burkhardt, Phillip, 1037
Burkhart, James M., 1049
Burnett, C. P., 1290
Burnett, Henry L., 1300
Burnett, John H., 1104
Burns, Henry E., 979
Burton, Charles C., 1170
Burr, Aaron, 506
Burns, Hiram H., 692
Burritt, Eldon G., 386, 435
Bushnell, D. I., 28
Butler, William N., 814
Butner, Andrew J., 862
Cache river, 355
Cahokia, 51, 100, 172, 532, 534
Cahokia Building, view of, 1361
Cairo, 118, 427
Cairo City and Canal Company, 427
Caldwell, Andrew 5., 1067
Caledonia, 519
Calhoun, Hugh, 528
Callahan, Ethelbert, 1245
Calvin, Allen F., 1197
Calvin, Robert, 521
Camp, Abram, 447
Campbell, Alexander, 555
Campbell, Bruce A., 958
Campbell, James R., 335, 477
Campbell, J. M., 400
Canal scrip bill ($100) (illustration), 248
Cantrell, William 5., 830
Cantril, John, 1706
Capel, Sigel, 1374
Capitols (illustrations)
At Kaskaskia, 137;
at Vandalia, 139, 462;
at Springfield, 204, 338
Carbondale, 484
Carbondale College, 397
Carbondale National Bank, 761
Carlile, R. A., 818
Carlin, Thomas, 219
Carlin, William P., 328
Carlyle, 443
Carlyle, James C., 1662
Carlyle, Thomas, 444
Carmi, 558, 559
Carr, John E., 801
Carrier Mills, 540
Carroll, Charles, 471
Carroll, McDaniel, 1371
Carson, William C., 1119
Carson, Zenas C., 1108
Carter, George E., 1571
Carter, James C., 765
Carter, Marcus L., 861
Carterville, 564
Cartwright, Peter, 384
Casey, Thomas 5., 330
Casey, William, 489
Casey, Zadoc, 179, 181, 192, 489, 503
Caspar, Edward J., 1519
Casper, Walter J., 1140
Casteel,' Burton L., 893
Catholic missions (early), 121, 175
Catlin, Oren, 176
Cave-in-Rock, 479, 480
Centerville, 549
Central City, 505
Centralia, 505
Cereal Springs, 564
Cerre, John Gabriel, 101
Chaffin, Horatio C., 1253
Chamberlin, John M., Jr., 574
Chapman, James C., 1469
Chapman, Pleasant 5., 496
Chapman, Pleasant T., 750
Charlottesville, 498
Chase, Charles H., 717
Cherry, Thomas L., 707
Chester, 527
Chicago Inter-State Exposition, 341
Cisne, William H., 1661
Citizens' State & Savings Bank, 1602
City Hall, Mt. Carmel (illustration)7 546
City National Bank of Murphysboro, 677
Civil war period
Logan's popularity 315;
Logan In congress and the field, 316;
state conventions and assemblies, 316;
Knights of the Golden Circle, 317;
Southern Illinois in camp and in battle, 322;
three years service, 326;
one hundred days service, 332;
the Alton Batallion, 332;
one year service, 332;
cavalry service, 333
Clanahan, Milo R., 1262
Clark county
First settlements, 436;
Marshall and the national road, 436;
professional men of the county, 437;
agricultural and financial, 437
Clark, George Rogers, 83
(portrait), 495, 506, 561
Clark, Harry H., 1622
Clark, James 5., 1079
Clark, John, 179
Clark, Thomas A., 1651
Clark's conquest of the Illinois country
Conditions in Illinois, 79;
Clark's expedition, 80;
public and private instructions to General Clark, 81;
down the Ohio, 82;
across southern Illinois, 83;
capture of Kaskaskia, 85
Clay City, 441
Clay county
Maysville, oldest settlement, 439;
county seat moved to Louisville, 439;
busy early decade (1840-1850), 440;
Ohio and Mississippi railroad built, 440;
founding of churches, 440;
settlement in western sections, 441;
present villages and towns, 441
Clays, 19
Clayton, Walter E., 1075
Clements, Frank, 633
Clendennin, T. C., 429
Clinton county
Carlyle, first settlement and county seat, 443;
laid out in 1818, 443;
candidate for state capital, 444;
Judge Sidney Breese, 445;
present conditions, 445.
Clinton, DeWitt, 443
Cloud, Newton, 234
Coal, 15, 467
Cobbett, William, 143
Cobden, 545
Cockrum, Matthew W., 1205
Cole, Charles B., 1248
Cole, Hermon C., 1248
Coles, (Edward)
administration a man with convictions, 148;
the slavery issue, 150;
a bitter campaign, 152;
the result, 155;
the Sangamon country, 157;
a distinguished visitor (LaFayette), 160;
the elections of 1826, 163
Coles, Edward (portrait), 149
Coles, Frank, Jr., 1593
Coles, Frank, Sr., 1580
Collier, Homer, 1084
Colp, John, 1532
Colyer, Walter, 1586
Comings, Alfred, 727
Company of the West, 54
Compton, Levi, 547
Concrete railroad bridge over Salt creek, near Effingham (illustration), 459
Connaway, Norman W., 831
Territorial bill of 1809, 109;
of 1818 (state), 133;
of 1848, 233;
of 1870, 339
Cook, Daniel P., 164, 510, 527
Cook, John, 324
Cook, Marion C., 854
Cook, Rufus E., 1502
Cook, Thomas M., 624
Cooper, John L., 1605
Copeland, James P., 1589
Copeland, Louisa, 1592
Copeland, Minnie L., 1593
CoughanOwr, George W., 784
County of Illinois, 87-90
Covington, 552
Cowan, Thomas J., 797
Cowling, Edward J., 969
Cox, Henry, 1493
Crab Orchard, 564
Cram, Clam, 977
Crawford county
Lamott,first white resident, 446;
terrible Hutson massacre, 446;.
Palestine, the old county seat, 447;
Robinson made the county seat, 447;
school interests, 447;
agriculture, 448
coming of railroads and oil, 448;
Oblong, 449;
the oil industry, 449
Crawford, Francis E., 1156
Crawford, James W., 1073
Cremeens, George L., 1195
Crichton, George K., 687
Crim, Charles W., 1506
Cross, John R., 1427
Crowley, Joseph B., 1511
Crozat, Anthony, 53, 59, 175
Cruiser Concord in port at Cairo, (illustration), 430
Cruse, Grant, 1154
Cullom, Edward, 447
Cullom, Shelby M., 340
Cumberland c o u n t y
County s e a t changes, 451;
general facts of interest, 451;
newspapers, 451;
the national road and railroads, 451
Cunningham, J. M., 562
Cunningham, James T., 314
Curtis, Henry C., 672
Cutler, Manasseh, 99
Dailey, Samuel M., 1275
Daily, Whitson W., 477
Daniel, Marshall R., 1422
Dare, Eugene M., 1331
Daugherty, John E., 1463
Davenport, George 0., 1380
Davenport, John, 1378
Davidson, Charles A., 1402
Davis, Charles C., 1301
Davis, David, 251
Davis, Frank M., 1574
Davis, Henry L., 1332
Davis, Jefferson, 192
Davis, Joseph W., 842
Dawson, Duly M., 674
Dawson, Lewis A., 769
Dell'Era, Louis, 1400
Deneen, Charles 5., 343, 385
Denison, Leon E., 767
Dense woods, Johnston county (illustration), 494
DeRenault, Phillipe Francois, 54, 66, 67, 105
De Rocheblave, Chevalier, 75, 96
Dewey, Robert K., 1138
Dewey, William 5., 859
DeWitt, John C., 713
DeWitt, William M., 1623
Diamond Grove Prairie, 173
Dick, Edgar B., 821
Dickens, Alfred Tennyson, 431, 537
Dickens, Charles, 536
Dickey, Thomas M., 1623
Dill, John D., 607
Dillon, Andrew, 1530
Dillon, Elisha, 1123
Dillon, Hettie A., 1125
Dillon, Wilford F., 1478
Dimmock, Thomas, 216
Dinwiddie, Charles C., 1354
Dixon, William, 518
Dodd, George E., 1513
Doherty, Anthony, 1460
Dollins, James J., 330
Donaghy, Mrs. Minnie J., 778
Donaghy, William B., 778
Donaly, James, 1002
Dorris, William 5., 909
Dougherty, Henry, 327
Dougherty, James, 520
Douglas, Stephen A., 238, 249, 255, 301, 313, 314, 371, 429
Dowell, George W., 1450
Dowell, William C., 1204
Draper, Newton W., 1468
Drone, Marion N., 1285
Dry, Alva R., 847
Dubois, Jesse K., 251, 497
Dubois, Toussaint, 497
DuCoign, Jean Baptiste, 26
Duff, A. D., 322
Dulany, William A., 1612
Dunaway, Samuel W., 1069
Duncan, George E., 1061
Duncan (Joseph)
administration-election as governor, 193;
banking legislation recommended, 194;
United States and state banks, 195;
redemption extension, 197;
suspension of specie payments, 198;
State Bank in liquidation, 200;
internal improvements, 200;
recommendations, 200;
bill passed over governor's veto, 203;
capital removed to Springfield, 203;
also passed over council's veto, 205
Duncan, Joseph, 157, 165, 169, 185, 192, 193, 222, 368, 436
Duncan, Mathew, 344
Dunn, Joel, 1538
DuQuoin, 515
Dwyer, Mrs. W. T., 716
Dye, John W., 851
Early-day dwelling of clay and straw, Richland county (illustration), 529
Early River boats, 353
Early schools, 120
Early school houses, 369
Early school teachers, 120, 366, 455
Easley, William T., 1324
Easterday, Elmer P., 731
Easterday, Melancthon, 612
East St. Louis, 537
Eaton, Abel C., 914
Eaton, Samuel B., 898
Ebers, William, 945
Echols, Thomas B., 1613
Eddy, Henry (portrait), 154, 344, 471
Edgar, John, 103
Edwards county
Settlement of the English prairie, 453;
Albion founded, 454;
Judge Walter L. Mayo, 454;
Piankashawtown, 455;
an early teacher, 455;
an early civil engineer, 456;
the manufacture of clay products, 456;
interesting county items, 457.
Edwards, Cyrus, 371, 376
Edwards, Francis M., 1104
Edwards, James E. N., 1070
Edwards, James G., 348
Edwards (Ninian) administration
The State Bank, 166;
an interesting doctrine, 168;
school legislation, 169;
the Winnebago War, 170
Edwards, Ninian, 109, 164, 533
Edwards, Ninian W., 373
Edwards, William 0., 829
Edwardsville, 344
Effiugham, 458
Effingham county
Ewington, first county seat, 458;
present seat of justice, 458;
Illinois College of Photography, 459;
Teutopolis, 459;
land values, 459
Eighteenth Infantry Regiment, 327
Eighth Illinois Infantry, 335
Eightieth Infantry Regiment, 329
Eighty-first Infantry Regiment, 330
Eighty-seventh Infantry Regiment, 330
Eis, Gustave E., 1315
Eldorado, 540
Eleventh Infantry Regiment, 326
Elizabethtown, 479
Elliott, Thomas 0., 1003
Ellis, John M., 176, 178, 382
Elvira, 494
Emmerson, Louis L., 1373
Emporium Real Estate and Manufacturing Company, 521
Enfield, 560
English, George W., 745
English Prairie settlements, 144, 453
Epler, Elbert, 1659
Equality, 472
Ernest, Ferdinand, 462, 463, 559
Ernest (Hanover) colony, 463
Ernst, Frank, 1097
Eshleman, Hugh B., 905
Etherton, James M.,759
Evans, Joseph T., 1028
Everest, Harvey W., 407
Ewing College, 385
Ewing, W. L. D., 192
Ewington, 458
Fager, Daniel B., 1157
Fairfield, 557
Faller, Louis, 1239
Farmer, Robert, 75
Farmer, William M., 1152
Farms (illustrations)
Oakdale farm, Vienna, 493;
P. S. Chapman farm, Vienna, 495;
Wm. E. G. Britton, Mounds, 519
Farris, Dawson, M., 1336
Fayette county
First settlers in the county, 461;
first capitol at Vandalia, 461;
second capitol, 462;
Perryville, seat of Fayette county, 462;
Ernest, or Hanover colony, 463;
Fayette and Vandalia items, 463
Feirich, Charles E., 816
Feldmeier, Samuel H., 1277
Felts, Benjamin R., 1683
Fern, William J., 588
Ferrell, Benjamin B., 1527
Ferrell, Hosea V., 1163
Ferrell, William F.. 1183
Feuchter, Charles, 873
Fifer, Joseph W., 341
Fifth Cavalry Regiment, 333
Fifteenth Cavalry Regiment, 334
Fifty-fourth Infantry Regiment, 329
Fifty-sixth Infantry 'Regiment, 329
File, Charles R., 1490
Finley, John Evans, 122
First American school teacher in Illinois, 120
First Cavalry Regiment, 333
First court of law, 69
First High School in Illinois, 382
First magazine in Illinois, 347
First National Bank of Mound City, 798
First Republican governor of Illinois, 253
Fischer, John G., 1060
Fisher, George, 117
Fisher, Orcenith, 553
Fithian, Charles D., 1550
Fitzgerrell, Daniel G., 1341
Fitzgerrell, Evan, 1024
Flack, John, 513
Flanagan, Samuel J., 399
Flannary, Abraham, 425
Flannary, Joshua, 425
Flannary, Thomas, 425
Flannigen, John L., 932
Flathead and Regulator war, 224
Fleming, Richard G., 1387
Fleming, R. K., 346
Flora, 441
Flower, George, 144, 346, 454, 457
Flower, Richard, 144, 145
Fly, Jesse J., 697
Ford, J. B., 919
Ford, Theodore M., 618
Ford, Thomas, 166, 348, 510
Ford, William H., 1143
Ford (Thomas) administration
-Illinois and Michigan Canal progresses, 223;
a brighter outlook, 223; s
some social problems, 224
Fordham, Elias Pym, 454, 456
Foreman, Ferris, 230, 231, 463
Forester, John, 892
Fort Chartres, 54, 66, 71 and 72 (illustrations)
Fort Clark, 174
Fort Crevecmur, 45
Fort Dearborn (Chicago) in 1812 (illustration), 114
Fort Dearborn massacre, 112
Fort Edwards, 115
Fort Gage, 527
Fort Massac, 506, 507 (illustration), 508
Fortieth Infantry Regiment, 328
Forty-third Infantry Regiment, 328
Forty-eighth Infantry Regiment, 328
Fouke, Philip B., 327
Four Mile Prairie, 513
Fourteenth Cavalry Regiment, 334
Fourth Illinois Infantry (Spanish-American war), 334
Fox, Erwin D., 1320
Fraim, Oliver M., 739
Frankfort, 467
Franklin county
Cave township first settled, 465;
pioneer mills erected, 465;
early-time items, 466;
slaves and land, 466;
Benton, the county seat, 467;
Logan and Douglas, 487;
growth of coal interest, 467
Fraser, Alexander 5., 643
Free Banking law, 244, 414
French, Augustus C., 255
French (Augustus C.) administration
End of Flathead and Regulator war, 226;
Mexican war, 228; Mormons, 228;
constitution of 1848, 233;
Ill. Cent. R.R., 237;
a new banking system, 243
French, D. P., 378
French, George H., 573
French villages, religious life of, 60
Frier, Harry L., 1006
Friganza, Commodore, 1392
Friganza, Willis T., 1393
Fuller, R. C., 1384
Funkhauser, John J., 330
Fyke, Edgar E., 1542
Gahm, George L., 1557
Galbraith, John T., 579
Galena, 175
Gallatin county
The county's first white settler, 469;
a land of floods and levees, 470;
the Wilsons, 470;
General Thomas Posey, 471;
other prominent men, 471;
town of Equality, 479;
pioneer industry, 479
Gallatin County Bank, 1702
Galligan, James H., 890
Garretson, James, 509
Garrison, I. L., 1624
Gas, 18
Gasaway, Americus, 1294
Gaskins, Edward, 833
Gaskins, John T., 858
Gaskins, Wilson, 825
Gatewood, William J., 371
Gauen, Albert, 1054
Gauen, Roy E., 1032
Gee, Harl L., 1330
Gee, Knox, 1503
Gen. Grant and Gen. McClelland at
Cairo (1861) (illustration), 323
Civilization based on, 2;
General scientific phase, 3;
eras, 4;
time divisions, 5;
Southern Illinois, 5;
Glacial period, 7
George, William E., 1200
Georgetown, 552
Gerhart, Thomas 5., 1225
Gerlach, Jacob P., 578
Gerould, Theodore F., 1293
Gibbs, William I., 226
Gibson, Elijah P., 1271
Gibson, James Walter, 1158
Gibson, James W., 1421
Gilbert, Edward L., 795
Gilbert, Miles F., 726
Gilbreath, 'Whitney, 933
Gill, E. E., 1058
Gillespie, Joseph, 39, 314
Gillespie, Robert E., ~72
Gilliam, William H., 1304
Glass, William T., 1339
Glynn, John P., 600
Goddard, George A., 682
Goddard, Henry T., 1677
Goddard, Reuben J., 924
Golconda (bird's eye view), 517
Goodman, Thomas B., 1115
Gordon, Abram G., 1172
Gordon, George A., 1497
Gordon, H. 5., 1497
Goudy, John, 376
Grammar, John, 542
Grand Rapids dam, Mt. Carmel, 356
(illustration), 551
Grand Tower, 484
Grant, Ulysses 5., 324
Grant, William A., 997
Grant, William H., 822
Gravier, James, 49
Greaney, William P., 826
Great Medicine Water, 518
Great Western Railway Company, 238
Green, Earl, 1352
Green, Reed, 842
Green, William H., 1353
Green, William P., 609
Green, Judge William P., 1240
Greenup Tribune," 451
Greenville College, 386, 435 (illustration)
Grierson, Benjamin H., 333
Grissom, William M., 1207
Griswold, Stanley, 109
Gum, George W., 1489
Gun "Capt. Billy Smith", Cairo (illustration), 428
Gunboats at Cairo (illustration), 325
Gusher near Robinson, Crawford county (illustration), 449
Hacker, Fanny P., 429, 1297
Hacker, John 5., 543
Haertling, G. H., 1575
Hale, James I., 628
Hale, John A., 584
Hall, Frank H., 422
Hall, Henry R., 1319
Hall, James, 344, 347
Hall, William B., 880
Hall, William 0., 1455
Halliday, Samuel, 1692
Hambleton, W. L., 522
Hamilton, Charles E., 658
Hamilton, James W., 1364
Hamilton College, 477
Hamilton county-First settlers, 475;
Judge Stelle's pioneer pictures, 475;
which Rector was massacred, 476;
town of McLeansboro, 476;
as to education, 477;
James R. Campbell, 477;
general information, 477
Hamlin, John, l74
Hammond, Jackson L., 756
Hansen, Nicholas, 151
Hardin county Picturesque and prosperous, 478;
lead mines and towns, 478;
first settlers, 479;
Cave-in-Rock described, 480
Hardin, John H., 229
Hardy, John G., 690
Hardy, Solomon, 178
Hargrave, Jean, 796
Harker, Oliver A., 1100
Harlan, James D., 1617
Harmon, John, 385
Harper, John B., 1539
Harreld, William E., 1344
Harrington, Lawrence R., 685
Harris, Clyde D., 774
Harris, Gilham, 555
Harris, Isaac, 555
Harris, Thomas W., 329
Harrisburg, 540
Harrison, Francis 0., 1220
Harriss, Judson E., 938
Hart, Samuel, 1096
Hart, William H., 1274
Hartwell, Dausa D., 1038
Hartwell, DeWitt T., 1022
Hasenjaeger, Henry, 808
Hatch, 0. M., 251
Hawkins, Louis A., 1324
Hawks, Walter 5., 322
Hay, W. D., 560
Haynie, Isham N., 328
Heard, Montreville, 1444
Hearn, William 0., 733
Heckert, Henry F., 1226
Helm, Douglas W., 1670
Hemenway, Justin G., 884
Henderson, W. H., 222
Henry, James D., 185
Henson, John H., 1250
Herbert, Oscar L., 876
Herrin, 564
Herrin, Paul D., 1118
Hersh, E. W., 1065
Hess, L. Jasper, 805
Hester, James 5., 648
Hewitt, Francis M., 1098
Heyde, John B., 1055
Hickman, George A., 749
Hicks, Stephen G., 231, 328
Higher education
First High School in Illinois, 382;
Southern Illinois College, 387;
state aid and legislation, 392;
Southern Illinois high schools, 394;
Southern Illinois Normal University, 395;
work of the State Teachers Association, 395;
Legislature creates Normal University, 396;
educational conventions, 397;
Carbondale, site of Illinois Normal University, 400;
University opened, 402;
building burned, 404;
the New Main Building, 406;
general review, 407
Hight, James F., 758
Hileman, George T., 694
Hill, William 5., 732
Hill, William H., 1425
Hill, Robert P., 1089
Hillman, A. C., 378
Hill's fort, 432
Hines, Frank B., 386, 1685
Hirons, John D., 1237
Hodges, Edmund J., 1485
Hoffman, Francis A., 251
Hoffman, George, 1626
Hoffmeier, Fred, 1316
Hofsommer, Charles W., 1114
Rogue, James H., 1466
Hogue, Wilson Thomas, 386
Holbrook, Darius B., 427
Holcomb, Matthew R., 1562
Holdoway, John A., 897
Holshouser, William 0. 1480
"Homestead Exemptior Law," 235
Hood, Fred, 752
Hoopes, Thomas F., 1432
Hopkins, Frank, 585
Hopp, Edward J., 867
Hord, George Y., 1511
Horn, Henry, Sr., 985
Horn, Mary F., 987
Horn, Thomas, 987
Hostettler, Henry W., 1244
Hotels (illustrations)
Old Sweet hotel, Kaskaskia, 162;
the Rawlings hotel, Shawneetown, 163;
old Jonesboro hotel, headquarters of Lincoln and Douglas (1858), 542
Hovey, Charles E., 396
Howe, Elbridge Gerry, 176
Howell William H., 1472
Hubbard, Adolphus Frederick, 164
Hubbard, William H. 1134
Huddleston Orphans" Home, 380
Hudgens, Hiram A., 677
Hudgens, John B., 696
Hudson, Ira J., 719
Huegely, John, Jr., 1310
Huegely, Julius, 1173
Huffman, G. Riley, 721
Huffman, George H., 734
Hughes, Aurelius G., 737
Hull, John, 407
Hull, Nathaniel, 599
Hundley, Robert M., 331
Hunsaker, George, 542
Huntsinger, Harrison P., 894
Huthmacher, Charles C., 1062
Huthmacher, George, 725
Hynes, Thomas W., 433
"Illinois Advocate and Lebanon Journal," 385
Illinois Agricultural College
A part of the General System, 376;
created by the state, 377;
school opens in 1866, 378;
uncertainty as to status, 379
Illinois and Michigan Canal, 202, 223
Illinois Bankers Association, 416
Illinois Central Railroad, 238
Illinois College, 385
Illinois College of Photography, 459
Illinois country, 62
"Illinois Emigrant," 344
"Illinois Gazette," 344
"Illinois Herald," 344
"Illinois Intelligencer," 346
"Illinois Monthly Magazine," 347
"Illinois Republican," 346
Illinois State Trust Company, 1361
Illinois S t a t e
The constitution o f 1818;
first state election, 135
Illinois Teachers Association, 372
Illinois Temperance Herald, 348
Indiana Territory
Harrison and the Indian problems, 104;
slavery in the territory, 105;
erection of, 108;
War of 1812, 111;
matters of local interest, 115;
a second-class territory, 116;
a retrospect, 119;
services of Nathaniel Pope, 129;
the constitutional convention, 131;
immigration to Illinois, 126;
Indian trails, 357
Indians Great families, 23;
Illinois Indians, 24;
great chiefs, 25
lndustrial League of Illinois, 376, 395
Ingersoll, Ezekiel J., 406, 650
Ingersoll, Robert G., 471
Inglis, Samuel M., 435
Ingraham, Charles E., 703
Internal Improvements, 201, 221,229
Irvin, Cyrus H., 1190
Irvington, 378
Isley, Albert E., 1491
Jackson, Charles A., 809
Jackson county
Settled early part of nineteenth century, 481;
salt industry founded, 482;
Illinois Central brings settlers, 483;
Carbondale platted, 484;
coal mining, 484;
Grand Tower, 484;
Murphysboro, 485
Jackson, Earl B., 1035
Jackson, James W., 1072
Jacksonville, 178
James, Bennett, 1674
James, Fountain E., 1576
James, George W., 715
Jasper county
Newton, the county seat, 486;
population and agriculture, 486;
villages in county, 486;
Mt. Vernon made, the county seat, 489;
military record, 490;
car shops, 490;
judicial and legal center, 490;
Mt. Vernon of today, 491;
facts of interest, 491
Jenkins, David P., 334
Jenkins, Henry R., 807
Jennelle, John J. 1464
Jeremiah, Thomas 1212
Jesuits, 60, 80
Jinnette, Ezekiel R., 1418
Jo Daviess county, 174
Johns, Frederick A., 332
Johnson, Charles, 1638
Johnson, Edgar F., 1434
Johnson, Matthew, 75
Johnson, Stephen A., 1039
Johnson, William L., 910
Johnson county
Created by Governor Edwards, 492;
agriculture and stock raising, 492;
early settlers, 494;
slavery contest (1823-4), 494;
Major Andrew J. Kuykendall, 495,
Clark passed through the county, 495
Johnston City, 564
Johnston, James F., 1142
Johnston, William R., 708
Joliet, 36, 40
Jones, Alfred H., 1486
Jones, Emsly, 481
Jones, Gabriel, 527
Jones, James~ 348
Jones, James M., 966
Jones, Obadiah, 109
Jones, Robert 5., 1541
Jones, Thomas T., 1470
Jones, William, 179
Jones, William C., 1563
Jones' fort, 432
Jonesboro, 542
Jonesboro College, 385
Jonesboro Gazette," 348
Joplin, James M., 1236
Joppa, 508
Jordan, Joshua, 547
Jordan brothers, 561
First Illinois newspapers, 344;
slavery question stimulates journalism, 346;
uncertainty of pioneer journalism, 346;
able old-time editors, 347;
later stimulating issues, 348;
papers forced to suspend, 348;
founded prior to 1880, 349
Judd, Norman B., 251
Judy, Samuel, 173
Kane, Elias Kent, 157, 527
Kane, W. C., 868
Kansas-Nebraska act, 249
Karraker, Jacob, 1191
Karraker, 0. M., 1192
Karraker, Thomas N., 992
Karsteter, William R., 968
Kaskaskia, 49, 102, 110, 172, 524
Kaskaskia, Capture of, 85
Kaskaskia eighteenth-century mill, ruins of (illustration), 120
Kaskaskia Presbyterian church, 176
Kaskaskia view from Fort Gage, 342
Kaskaskias, 24
Kasserman, Henry M., 1443
Kasserman, Rudolph J., 1405
Keefe, David E., 1481
Keen, Frank B., 683
Keen, John, Jr., 1646
Keen, Raab D., 1664
Keener, George W., 332
Keith, Leroy G., 712
Keith, L. D., 665
Keller, P. J., 964
Kellogg, A. N., 349
Kellogg, Elisha, 173
Kellogg, Seymour, 173
Kellogg, William Pitt, 312
Kelly, Daniel E., 701
Kelly, George H., 1057
Kennedy, George, 1043
Kennedy, George, Sr., 1043
Kennedy, James B., 855
Kennedy, Marcus L., 904
Keokuk (chief), 183
Kerley, Thomas B., 666
Keys, Willard, 174
Kickapoo Indians, 25, 102
Kidd, Robert, 509
Kimmel, Singleton H., 344
Kimzey, Loranzey D., 922
King, Freeman, 942
Kinney, Williani, 180, 205
Kirkham, Robert, 329
Kirkpatrick, Cornwall E., 773
Kirkpatrick, R. D., 973
Kitchell, Joseph, 447
Kneffner, William C., 332
Knights of the Golden Circle, 318, 322, 539
Knoph, Aden, 1272
Knox, James, 250
Koch, Fred J., 1105
Koenigsmark, Alois J., 1048
Koenigsmark, Jacob J., 1047
Koenigsmark, John J., 930
Koenigsmark, Thomas, 1046
Koennecke, Frederick H., 1415
Koerner, Gustavus, 246, 251, 340, 533, 534 (portrait)
Kohn, H. H., 640
Kramer, Edward C., 571
Kramer, James H., 1634
Kuhls, Frank G., 1133
Kuny, Frederick J., 1704
Kuykendall, Andrew J., 495
Lackey, George W., 1437
Lacky, William A., 882
LaFayette, 160, 161 (portrait)
Lamer, Charles R., 1192
Lamott creek, 446
Lamott prairie, 446
Land, George L., 1702
Langan, Peter T., 644
Lansden, John M., 1672
Largent, W. W., 871
LaSalle, 41
Latham, S. W., 881
Lauder, Hugh, 567
Laughlin, William T., 783
La Ville de Maillet (Peoria), 174
Lawler, Michael K., 231, 327, 471
Lawrence county
Pioneer French settlers, 497;
the deep snow and milk sickness, 498;
schools, 498;
Charlottesville, 498;
old trails across the county, 498;
Lawrenceville, the county seat, 499;
oil and gas wells, 499
Lawrenceville, 499
Lawrenceville High School (illustration), 499
Layman, Thomas J., 300, 1065
Lead, 19, 174, 478
Leavitt, J. A., 385
Lebanon Seminary, 384
Leib, Daniel, 185
Lemen, James, Sr., 509
Lengfelder Brothers, 1520
Lengfelder, Charles R., 1521
Lengfelder, Gustavus A., 1521
Lengfelder, Louis F., 1522
Lentz, E. Gilbert, 1112
Leonhard, Adolph M., 1452
Leppo, Frank T. I., 1220
Lesemann, Philip B., 1260
Levett's Praitie, 439
Levy, Ibaac K., 568
Levy, Mike, 1411
Lewis, Albert W., 1318
Lewis, Cassie B., 1177
Lewis, Elijah, 1066
Lewis, John S., 1013
Lewis, Steven C., 1273
Libke, Andrew E., 1667
Lightuer, Alfred 5., 1631
Lillard, Joseph, 122
Lime, 17
Limestone, 16
Lincoln, Abraham, 192, 204, 251, 255, 304, 306, 308, 309 (portrait), 310
Lincoln-Douglas debate
Arrangements for, 256;
some matters of local interest, 257;
political situation in Southern Illinois in 1858, 258;
at Cairo, 261;
Lincoln in Anna and Jonesboro, 263;
at Jonesboro, 267;
Douglas at Benton, 300;
last debate at Alton, 301
Lindly, Cicero J., 1546
Linegar, David T., 314
Lingle, Fred L., 597
Lingle, Willis E., 1134
Link, Robert R., 917
Lippincott, Thomas, 177
Lippitt, William D., 907
Lockwood, Jesse C., 476
Log school house (illustration), 371
Logan, John A., 231, 255, 314, 315, 316 (portrait), 327, 467, 471, 485, 538, 539, 563
Logan, Thomas M., 1148
Long, James M., 1321
Looney, William A., 615
Lord, Hugh, 75
Louisiana, 61
Louisville, 439, 441
Lovejoy (Elijah Parish) and his martyrdom-a moral hero, 209;
Lovejoy becomes an editor, 210;
constitutional right, 211;
"Observer" moved to Alton, 211;
mob destroys presses, 212;
Lovejoy a martyr, 215
Lovejoy monument (illustration), Alton, 218
Lovejoy, Owen, 251
Lowe, Ausby L., 1435
Lowis, William W., 1120
Lufkin, John E., 1179
Lusk, Jack, 869
Lyerly, Andrew J., 627
Lyerly, William D., 729
Lyle, John D., 1198
Lynch, John, 531
Lynn, Charles, 1705
Lyon, Charles M., 1431
McAdams, Clark, 28
McAdams, William, 28, 30
McBaen, William, 507
McCall, Daniel. 730
McCann, Oria M., 1661
McCann, Patrick 5., 1147
MeCarley, Herman, 896
McCartney, Marcus N., 1566
MeCaslin, Warren E., 1130
McClernand, John A., 471
MeClintock, Charles E., 779
MeClun, J. E., 250
McClure, Chester A., 1669
McClure, John, 510
MeClusky, Frederick W., 1291
MeCollum, Harvey D., 1258
McConnell, Murray, 205
McCormick, Alphonso, 1159
MeCreery, Walker W., 1286
MeCullom, Vandalia, 463
McCullough, J. 5., 243
McElroy, Isaac N., 983
MeElvain, Robert J., 1100
MeEwing, William, 515
MeFall, William W. 1322
MeFarlan, James, Sit, 479
MeGehee, Moses P., 1264
McGoughey, John E., 1257
McGuyer, John B., 1536
Mcllrath, Robert J., 962
McIntyre, Norman, 994
McKeaig, George W., 331
McKee, John IA, 1052
McKendree College, 384
McLaren, Archibald B., 1254
McLean, John; 135, 157, 471
Madison county, 116
Maeys, Edward, 1627
Maeys, Jacob, 1627
Mahan, I. 5., 378
Main street, Elizabethtown (illustration), 482
Showing royal grants, 33;
American Bottom (French villages), 56;
Clark's route from Fort Massac to Vincennes, 91;
settled portions of Illinois in 1812, 113;
first fifteen state counties (1818), 127;
showing vote on slavery question (1824), 158
Marberry, Oscar J., 447
Marest, Gabriel, 50
Marion, 564
Marion county
Agriculture and live stock, 502;
Old Salem; the county seat, 503;
State Policy" abandoned, 503;
father of William J. Bryan, 503;
Gen. James S. Martin, 504;
the present Salem and Contralia, 504;
late discovery of oil, 505
Marker of Lincoln-Douglas debate at Jonesboro (illustration), 266
Marks, Daniel, 451
Marlow, James T., 903
Marquette, 35, 40
Marquette among the Indians, (illustration), 36
Marshall, 436
Marshall, Charles, 1483
Marshall, John, 125, 471
Marshall, John A., 321
Martin, Edward A., 1639
Martin, George E., 616
Martin, James R., 676
Martin, James 5., 331, 504
Martin, Sidney C., 654
Massac county 226;
Old Fort Massac, 506;
Metropolis laid off, 506;
Brookport (formerly Brooklyn), 507;
Joppa, 508;
drainage and agriculture, 508;
the old fort to be preserved, 508
Mason, Charles H., 1021
Mason, Tice D., 1595
Matheny, John W., 1413
Mather, Thomas, 195, 205, 527
Mathews, John, 176
Mathews, W. A., 385
Mathis, George W., 655
Mathis, John B., 887
Mathis, John P., 743
Mathis, Robert D., 798
Matteson (Joel A.) administration-
Matteson elected governor, 246;
Illinois Central built, 247;
slavery agitation, 247;
Canal scrip fraud, 248;
state and national politics, 249
Matthews, William A., 654
Maulding, Ambrose, 489
Maxey, Bennett M., 1180
Maxey, James C., 490
Maxey, Moss, 1027
Maxey, Walter 5., 1349
May, Leonidas J., 1094
Maynard, Charles E., 1504
Mayo, Walter L., 454
Maysville, 439
Meads, Joseph L., 582
Medill, Joseph, 251
Meirink, Bernard J., 1219.
Menard, Pierre, 117, 135, 141, 367, 521
Mermet, P. J., 50
Merrifield, Walter E., 1391
Merritt, Wesley, 504
Meserve, Frank C., 1169
Methodists (early), 122, 178
Methodist Episcopal church, Mt. Carmel (illustration) 548
Metropolis, 507
Meyer, Frantz J., 1033
Meyer, George L., 1333
Meyer, H; A. 435
Mick, Robert: 1420
Military Bounty lands, 173
Miller, Alexander W., 1206
Miller, Andrew E., 591
Miller, Ernest F., 1087
Miller, James, 251, 255
Miller, Jesse E., 1673
Miller, John P., 1326
Miller, John W., 1111
Miller, Robert H., 1087
Miller, Sidney B., 1475
Mills, Commodore, 1191
Mills, Charles W., 673
Mills, Virgil W., 1641
Milispaugh, Albert C., 1354
Miner's Journal," 347
Mitchell, H. C., 563
Mitchell, Henry C., 1064
Mitchell, James C., 1045
Mitchell, John W., 539, 540
Mitchell, Samuel M., 563
Moffat, Thomas, 1390
Mohlenbrock, William, 1278
Molitor, John, 1229
Monken, George J., 1102
Monk's Mound, 28
Monroe county
First American settlers, 509;
Jefferson's estimate of James Lemen, 509;
old Lemen 'fort' (second brick house in Illinois), 510;
Thomas Ford and Daniel P. Cook, 510;
first county court, 510;
schools and slaves, 511;
old French land grants, 511;
Elder Peter Rogers, 511;
Col. William R. Morrison, 512
Mooneyham, James P., 637
Moore, Carroll, 1170
Moore, Hosea H., 1630
Moore, Henry W., 234
Moore, James, 509
Moore, John, 222
Moore, John W., 583
Moore, Risdon M., 331
Moore, Thomas L., 553
Moorehouse, Thaddeus, 528
Moorman, Howard, 1029
Morgan county, 173
Morgan, Ambert D., 646
Morgan, Charles E. 947
Morgan, Harry P., '1561
Morgan, James D., 326
Morgan, Lewis C., 1343
Mormons, 222, 224, 228
Morony, James J., 1128
Morray, Damie, 652
Morris, Buckner 5., 252
Morrison, Joseph, 527
Morrison, William R., 231, 512
Moss, Douglass, 1507
Moss, Harry C., 1600
Mound City, 520
Mounds, 523
Mt. Carmel, 549, 551
Mt. Vernon, 173, 179, 489
Mozley, Norman J., 668
Muer, A. C., 175
Mulcaster, John G., 761
Munndell, Cornelius W., 1531
Murphy, Penina 0. 1654
Murphy, William K., 1652
Murphysboro, 482, 485
Murray, Hugh V., 1505
Murrie, William J., 664
Musselman, Edward, 943
Nashville, 553
Nashville at the Golconda wharf (illustration), 518
National Cemetery near Mound City (illustration), 522
National road, 358, 360, 437, 451, 464
National Stock Yards National Bank, 1092
Nauman, John A., 1472
Nauvoo, 224, 228
Needham, Daniel, 1160
Needles, Thomas B., 1411
Neely, George W., 332
Nelson, Elijah, 528
Nelson, Snowden B., 955
Nesbitt, William A., 660
Newbold, Joseph H., 348
Newby, E. W. B., 232
New Chartres, 55, 68, 69
New counties, 116, 118, 124,141
New Design, 509
New Grand Chain, 523
Newland, H. W., 322
Newlin, Enoch E, 1446
Newlin, LeRoy, 1518
Newlin, Thomas J., 1516
Newton, 486
Newton, Lawrence C., 711
Niebur, B. Clemens, 1095
Nimms, Alexander J., 330
Ninety-seventh Infantry Regiment, 330
Ninety-eighth Infantry Regiment, 330
Ninth Illinois Infantry, 335
Nixon, Madison G,, 1019
Noleman, Frank F., 1457
Norris, George W., 681
Norton, Jesse 0., 250
Northwest Territory
Civil government north of the Ohio, 98;
ordinance of 1787 passed, 99;
government organized, 100;
conditions in Illinois, 100;
local government, 103
Oakley, Charles, 205
Oblong, 449
Oblong Oracle," 449
O'Connor, Ephraim, 172
O'Gara Coal Company, The, 1224
Ogilvie, Lewis, 1598
Oglesby, Richard J., 251, 340, 341
Ohio valley, struggle for, 64
Oil, 449, 499, 505
Oil in transit Lawrence county (illustration), 500
Oil territory. A common sight in (illustration), 450
Okawyille, 554
Old Illinois Agricultural College, Irvington (illustration), 379
Old Kaskaskia disappears, 342
Old "Lemen Fort," 510
Oldest Illinois publication (facsmilie of "Illinois Herald,") 345
Olmsted, 523
Olney, 528
One Hundred Ninth Infantry Regiment, 330
One Hundred Tenth Infantry Regiment, 330
One Hundred Eleventh Infantry Regiment, 331
One Hundred Seventeenth Infantry Regiment, 331
One Hundred Twentieth Infantry Regiment, 331
One Hundred Twenty-eighth Infantry Regiment, 331
One Hundred Thirty-first Infantry Regiment. 331
One Hundred Thirty-sixth Infantry Regiment, 332
One Hundred Forty-third Infantry Regiment, 332
One Hundred Forty-fourth Infantry Regiment, 332
One Hundred Forty-fifth Infantry Regiment, 332
One Hundred Forty-ninth Infantry Regiment, 332
One Hundred Fiftieth Infantry Regiment, 332
Ozburn, Harry 0., 1602
Ozburn, John L., 611
Ozment, Marshall, 1042
Page, Oliver J., 1514
Palestine, 447
Palmer, Elihu J., 399
Palmer, John M., 251, 258, 305, 338
Palmyra, 549
Pape, Gustavus, 526, 952
Parish, John J., 846
Parish, William H., 844
Park, Edmund C., 1246
Park, Roswell, 529
Parker, Charles A. C., 781
Parker, George N., 1424
Parkinson, Daniel B., 407, 1602
Parmly, Walter D., 1459
Parrish, Braxton, 466
Parsons, George, 1188
Parsons, S. H., 99
"Patent inside," 349
Pautler, Nicholas B., 972
Pavey, C. W., 341
Pavey, Louis G., 1185
Payne, William 5., 1340
Pearce, Jo R., 852
Peck, Ebenezer, 205
Peck, John M., 153, 348, 382, 534
Peeler, Samuel D., 1414
Pellett, Ezra B., 794
Peltier, P. P.. 511
Penvler, Hugh, 1495
Peoria, 174
Permanent settlements
Kaskaskia settled, 49;
grants of land, 52;
war and progress, 58
Perrine, William A., 1312
Perry county
Pioneer settlers and incidents, 513;
Pinckneyville selected as county seat, 514;
first circuit court, 515;
DuQuoin and Tamaroa, 515
Perry. Enos, 670
Perry County Times," 515
Perryville, 462
Personeau, Etienne. 532
Pilasterer. Frank. 963
Phillips, A. J.. 261, 264
Phillips, David L.. 261
Phillips, D. W.. 378
Phillips. .Tohn E.. 1386
Phillips, William FT., 619
Phillips, Winfield 5.. 1371
Philp, Harry 0., 1303
Piankashawtown, 455, 371, 372, 376,
Piasa bird,(illustration) 32, 38
Piatt, Hiram H., 1388
Picket Guard," 349
Pickrell, Andrew J., 775
Picquet, Joseph, 1712
Pictographs on Illinois river bluffs, (illustrations), 31
Pier, Charles 5., 1688
Piercy, Willis D., 1284
Piggott's fort, 509
Pillers, George W., 835
Pinckneyville, 514
Pinkel, Armin B., 1378
Pinkstaff, John, 498
Pioneer monument at Old Kaskaskia, (illustration), 343
Pioneer of the Valley of the Mississippi," 348
Pippin, W. H., 1252
Pitner, Homer W., 1643
Pixley, Harvey F., 1265
Plummer, Walter B., 1453
Pontiac, 26, 73
Poorman, Andrew J., Jr., 1606
Pope county
Sarahville (Golconda), the county seat, 516;
educational and social, 516;
noted personages, 517;
Great Medicine Water, 518;
statistics, 518
Pope, B. F., Sr., 823
Pope, Benjamifi W., 823
Pope, Nathaniel, 109, 128, 129, 366, 444
Pope, Payton S, ~21
Pope, Pleasant N., 837
Porter, kdward K., 800
Porterfield, John F., 1279
George Rogers Clark, 83;
Abraham Lincoln, 309;
John A. Logan, 316;
Edward Coles, 149;
Henry Eddy, 154;
Lafayette, 161;
Black Hawk, 185;
Clark Braden, 389;
Peter White, 473;
James C. Maxcy, 488;
Gustavus Koerner, 534;
Samuel Westbrook, 539
Posey, Thomas, 471
Post, Frank H., 1031
Potter, William 0., 1010
Potthast, Fred, 1213
Powell, Alfred B., 786
Powell, H. K., 1155
Powell, William H., 251
Prairie areas, 21
Prairie du Pont, 535
Prairie du Rocher, (winter view) 55, 59
Prehistoric people
Evidences of, 27;
the Cahokia mounds, 28;
implements, pottery and pictographs, 30
Prehistoric relics from Wabash county (illustration), 26, 29
Prentiss, B. M., 324
Presbyterians (early), 122, 176
Press (See Journalism)
Price, George B., 445
Prill, Max, 1558
Proctor, David Choate, 176
Protestant churches (early), 121
Pruett Family, the, 1474
Public schools-First American, 365;
basis of Illinois system, 366;
primitive school houses, 369;
conventions to encourage public education, 370;
best friends of the cause, 372;
state law of 1855, 373;
present system of public education, 373
Pulaski county
Caledonia, the old county seat, 519;
Mound City of the earlier times, 520;
General M. M. Rawlings, 520;
plans for the great emporium city, 521;
Union Block, Civil war hospital, 522;
the present Mound City, 523;
villages of the county, 523
Pulley, Lewis B., 999
Quick, Thomas, 378
Quincy, 174
Quindry, S. Eugene, 1588
Raab, Henry, 341
Raddle, Frank J., 1621
Railroad strike of 1877, 340
Railroads, 203, 236, 237, 503
Rainey, Henry T., 338
Raith, Julius, 328
Raleigh, 538
Randolph county
County and state history parallel, 524;
Kaskaskia court house of 1819, 525;
a slave county, 529;
population, 1825-1840, 525;
county seat moved to Chester, 526;
decline of Kaskaskia, 527;
on the ramparts of Old Fort Gage, 527
Rapp, Frederick 0., 1137
Rapp, Isaac, 405, 636
Rapp, John M., 1644
Rathhone, Valentine, 849
Rathbone, Walter R., 849
Raum, Green B., 329
Raum, John, 517
Rawlings, M. M., 205, 520
Rawstron, R. N., 1650
Ray's settlement, 494
Rea, Herman M., 1259
Reardon, James 5., 327
Rebman, Emma, 1709
Rector, John T., 362
Rector, Nelson, 115, 476
Reed, Frank 5., 690
Reed, John, 75
Reed, Joseph B., 688
Rees, Samuel R., 736
Reichert, August, 1628
Reichert, John F., 1570
Reinhardt. 0. F., 1565
Renault, Phillip, 207
Renault land grant, 511
Rendleman, Andrew J, 598
Rendleman, Drake R., 1575
Renfro, John 11. B., 706
Renfro. Robert B., 705
Republican Advocate," 346
Repudiation of state debt, 221, 223
John Marshall's residence. Shawneetown, 125;
John A. Logan's home at Benton, 466;
childhood home of William J. Bryan, Salem. 504;
residence of the late William R. Morrison, Waterloo, 513;
mansion of Pierre Menard, near old Fort Gage, 525;
home of Daniel Stookey, near Belleville, still standing, 535
Reuter, Theodore L., 1231
Revolutionay flag owned by Robinson brothers, Shawneetown (illustration), 469
Reynolds, H. G., 400, 401
Reynolds, John, 167, 255, 533
Reynolds, Marcus Green, 483
Reynolds, Thomas, 527
Reynolds (John) administration-
How Governor Reynolds was elected, 180;
the inaugural message, 181;
deep snow of 1830/1, 182;
the Black Hawk war, 183;
call to arms, 184;
the end, 190;
second half of administration, 192
Rhodes, Orange H., 659
Rich, George D., 580
Rich, George W., 1129
Rich, Robert L., 1109
Richards, J. H., 343
Richardson, A. M., 31
Richardson, James A., 489
Richardson, William A., 252
Richart, Fred W., 1007
Richland county
Conditions in 1820, 528;
Elijah Nelson and Roswell Park 528;
customs of early settlers, 529;
the hard year, 1881, 530; f
irst institutions, 530;
the Civil war, 531;
Olney, 531
Rickert, Nelson, 949
Rickman, Joshua H., 1210
Rider, William H., 383
Ridgeway, Thomas 5., 340, 471
Risley, Theodore, 549 -
Ritter, Charles L., 1209
River steamers on the marine ways, Mound City (illustration), 520
Roads (early), 357
Roberts Family, 926
Roberts, George W., 1131
Roberts, Harry W., 930
Roberts, Ira T., 1017
Roberts, John F., 586
Robinson, 447
Robinson, J., 540
Robinson, James C., 314
Robinson, Luther F. 1222
Robinson Township High School (illustration), 448
Robison, Thomas L., 1151
Rock Springs, 173, 382
Rock Spring Seminary, 382; (illustration), 383
Rodenberg, William A., 1508
Roedel, Carl, 1243
Rogers, Peter, 511
Rogers Seminary, 511
Ronalds, K. C., 608
Rose, Albert M., J535
Rose, James A., 517
Rose, Pleasant W., 776
Rosiclare, 478
Ross, Charles H. 5., 948
Rothrock, Walter 5., 1583
Rude, Hankerson, 538
Ruf, John, Jr., 1093
Russell, John, 376
Russell, William, 111
Russellville, 497
Rutherford, Friend 5., 330
Rutherford, Larkin, 509
Sabin, Frank A., 777
Saguinn (Blackbird), 25
Sailor Springs, 441, 442
Ste. Anne, 71
St. Clair, Arthur, 100, 101, 532
St. Clair county, 100, 102
St. Clair county's first court house (now in Jackson Park, Chicago), 533
St. Clair county
General St. Clair creates the county, 532;
county seat transferred from Cahokia to Belleville, 532;
early settlements, 532;
German immigrations, 533
John Reynolds and John M. Peck, 533;
Cahokia and Prairie du Pont, 534;
the present county and county seat, 535;
Charles Dickens and son, 536;
East St. Louis, 537
St. Francisville, 497
St. Joseph's academy, 511
St. Marie, 487
St. Phillipe, 55, 71
Salem, 503, 504
Saline county
Pioneer events, 538;
county seat located at Raleigh, 538;
political history, 538;
Civil war sentiment, 539;
Harrisburg, 540;
Eldorado, 540;
Carrier Mills, 540;
the old stone fort, 540
Saline river, 354
Salt, 18, 433, 472, 482, 484
Salzmann, Ferdinand, 1389
Sanders, Carl D., 1348
Sandstone, 17
Sangamon country, 157, 159
Sangamon Spectator," 348
Sarahville (Golconda), 516
Sargent, Winthrop, 100, 101
Sauer, Albert N., 714
Sauer, George N., 1443
Saner, Nicholas, 1439
Sauer, Philip E., 1442
Saussier, Jean R., 68
Schaefer, Charles, 963
Schaefer, Herman L., 1671
Scharfenberger, Frank, 1018
Schatz, William, 870
Schauerte, Kasper, 1283
Sebmidgall, John L., 643
Schmidt, Henry E., 1116
Schmitt, Edward G., 1110
Schorr, John S. 1004
Schroeder, Edw'ard A., 1581
Schroeder, Henry W., 1088
Schuh, Paul G., 1703
Schulmeister, Ernst F., 1009
Schurmann, Edward, 1657
Schuwerk, William M., 1162
Schwartz, William, 1458
Schwartz, William A., 1034
Schwarzlose, Gideon, 1641
Scott, Charles L., 1665
Scott, J. H., 594
Scott, Thomas W., 557
Scudamore, Joseph B., 1618
Seaman, Jonathan, 1146
Seeber, William P., 788
Second Cavalry Regiment, 333
Seed, Maurice J., 1370
Seeley, John, 366
Seely, Samuel J., 120
Sellers, George Esehol, 472
Sessions, A. Ney, 1048
Seten, Ross, 1351
Seventh Cavalry Regiment, 333
Seventy-first Infantry Regiment, 329
Shadle, Jacob, 440
Shaw, Charles W., 1658
Shaw, John, 151
Shaw, John W., 622
Shaw, Raleigh M., 1676
Shawneetown, 125, 173
Sheets, John M., 1288
Sheley, Laurence B., 1063
Shelton, William, 385
Shields, James, 527
Shoupe, Walter C., 1091
Shriner, Harvey W., 1255
Shryock, Henry W., 1214
Shull, John, 175
Shurtleff College, 383
Sims, Horace R., 885
Simpson, John C., 970
Simpson, S. 5., 435
Sixth Cavalry Regiment, 333
Sixtieth Infantry Regiment, 329
Sixty-second Infantry Regiment, 329
Sixty-third Infantry Regiment, 329
Sizemore, M. Wilson, 1025
Skaggs, Charles P., 888
Skaggs, Pryor L., 889
Slack, William P., 753
Slade, Charles, 192, 444
Slade, James P., 435
Slater, W. Frank, 1005
Slavery in the Illinois country, 105
Slavery in the state, 150, 207, 247, 346, 434, 494, 525
Slocum, Rigdon B., 181
Sloo, Thomas, 164
Small, William M., 498
Smith, Decatur A., 891
Smith, Dudley C., 332
Smith, Egbert A., 1560
Smith, Frank 5., 698
Smith, George W., 243, 312, 1714
Smith, Henry M., 1167
Smith, James, 121
Smith, James B., 1707
Smith, Joseph, 224
Smith, Randolph, 1269
Smith, Rozander, 547, 551
Smith, Sarah A., 1167
Smith, Theophilus W., 197, 202, 346
Smith, Thomas B. F., 1296
Smith, Ulysses E., 722
Smith, Virginius W., 1305
Smith, Walter S. p., 994
Snider, Andrew L., 1404
Snoddy, Lewis 0., 1599
Snodsmith, John, 1529
Snyder, Adam W., 222
Snyder, John, 68
Social life (early), 123
Soils, 10
Sondag, William, 981
Sons, Walter, 1633
Southern Collegiate Institute, 386
Southern Illinois College, (illustration) 388
Southern Illinois College
First building erected, 387;
the "Herald of Truth" 388;
college revived, 389;
closed in 1870, 391
Southern Illinois high schools, 394
Southern Illinois Hospital for the Insane, Anna (illustration), 543
Southern Illinois Milling & Elevator Company, 1696
Southern Illinois Normal University, 391, 395, 400, 401, 403, 405, 406
and (illustrations) 407
Spanish-American War, 334
Spann, William A., 1554
Specie circular, 197
Spectator," 344
Spencer, Thomas J., 402
Spiller, Adelbert L., 592
Spiller, William F., 803
Spivey, Allen T., 1215
Sprague, Daniel G., 176
Sprigg, Ralph E., 1465
Springfield selected as state capital, 204
Sprinkle, Michael, 469
Sproul, Alexander B., 857
Stahlheber, Charles, 1449
Staley, George A., 1639
Staley, Ulla 5., 1635
Star of the West," 344, 346
Starved Rock (illustration), 46
State Bank of Illinois, 166, 182, 194, 198, 200, 223
State capitals
Kaskaskia, 137;
Vandaha, 139;
Springfield, 204
State Normal University, 396
State Policy, 236, 503
State Teachers Association, 395
State Teachers Institute, 396
Stead, W. H., 242
Stecker, Rudolph, 1053
Stelle, Thompson B., 475
Stephenson, Benjamin, 124, 128
Stephenson, James W., 205
Stephenson, Thomas B., 954
Steward, Lewis, 340
Stewart, James C., 782
Stewart, Warren, 334
Steyer, Theodore, 516
Stilwell, C. D., 1279
Stirling, Thomas, 75
Stockade and blockhouses (about 1812), (illustration), 112
Stock certificate of Cairo City and Canal Company (illustration), 239
Stone, 16
Stonecipher, John 5., 1544
$tonefort, 540
Stookey, Vincent A., 840
Stotlar, Harry, 1495
Stout, Amos N., 1395
Stout, John B., 1476
Stratton, Charles T., 341
Stringer, Daniel W., 1553
Stringer, William M., 1051
Strong, Judson E., 828
Sullins, Thomas B., 1375
Sunnyside coal mine, Herrin (illustration), 562
Supreme court building, Mt. Vernon (illustration), 490
Suspension bridge across the Kaskaskia, Carlyle (illustration), 444
Sutherland, Prior W., 498, 1710
Swanner, Francis A., 642
Sweitzer, John, 1145
Swift, Eben, 334
Swift, Hardy M., 1178
Sycamore near Mt. Carmel (illustration), 13
Taffee, John 0., 850
Talley, Henry, 1151
Talley, Richard, 1149
Tamaroa, 515
Tanner, James M., 1647
Tanner, John R., 341, 343
Taylor, Harry, 1380
Taylor, Joseph H., 1385
Taylor, Robert M., 1381
Taylor, Samuel L., 1572
Taylor, S. Staats, 431
Taylor, Zachary, 115
Tecumseh, 25
Tenth Infantry Regiment, 326
Templeton, James 5., 874
Templeton, Robert B., 1467
Terpinitz, Joseph E., 264
Terry, Henry, 684
Teutopolis, 459
Thacker, Francis B., 1408
Thebes, 431
Third Cavalry Regiment, 333
Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment, 334
Thirtieth Infantry Regiment, 327
Thirty-first Infantry Regiment, 327
Thirty-eighth Infantry Regiment, 328
Thistlewood, Napoleon B., 1551
Thomas, Benjamin F., 1668
Thomas, Jesse B~ 109, 367,527
Thomas, William W., 792
Thomason, John W., 1230
Thompson, Sam A., 1336
Thomson, William, 725
Thrash, William H., 1545
Throgmorton, Emmet F., 764
Tibbets, Albert 5., 757
Tillson (Mrs.), John, 177
Timber, 12
Timber areas, 21
"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" campaign, 220
Titus, William 5., 1429
Tobacco field, Clay county (illustration), 441
Todd, John, 95, 100
Tohill, Noah M., 1406
Toler, Silas C., 329
Tolliver, Alsie N., 1276 -
Tomb of Gen. Alexander Posey, Shawneetown (illustration), 471
Touti, 42
Tougas, Frank, 497
Tougas brothers, 547
Tourney's fort, 443
Towle, Herman T., 840
Towle, Joseph W., 839
Trainor, William E., 1426
Early river boats, 353;
Southern Illinois waterways, 354;
pioneer trails and roads, 357;
government highways, 358;
work of the state, 363
Trautmann, William E., 984
Treat, Cyrus P., 804
Trousdale, Fletcher A., 639
True, James M., 329
Truth Teller," 445
Tufts, Charles D., 1359
Turkey Hill, 176
Turner, James W., 1238
Turner, J. B., 372
Tuthill, Lewis B. 724
Tuttle, Isaac R., 865
Twelfth Infantry Regiment, 327
Twenty-second Infantry Regiment, 327
Twenty-ninth Infantry Regiment, 327
Ullrich, William, 931
Underground" railroad station, St. Clair county (illustration), 536
Union Block, 521, 522 (illustration),
Union county
First settlers, 541;
Jonesboro made the county seat, 542;
the Willard family, 542;
Colonel John S. Hacker, 543;
vegetables and fruits, 544;
minerals and mineral springs, 544;
towns, 545
United States Bank, 197
University of Vincennes, 367
Upton, David, 475
Valter, Peter J., 1356
Van Arsdall, Elmer, 1270
Van Cleve, M. T., 540
Vandalia, 139, 173, 463
Van Kirk, Samuel A., 671
Varnum, Benjamin B., 958
Varnum; James M., 100
Venerable, James E., 1122
Vernor, George, 1346
Vick, John W., 1015
Victor, William A., 1690
Vienna, 494
View of the Mississippi from Chester water tower, 526
Villa Ridge, 523
Route to, 90;
Vise, Harvey C., 1311
Vise, Hoses A., 593
from Chester capture of, 93
Vogel, Henry, 1410
Vogelpohl, Henry F., 1268
Voris, Hardy C., 1196
Voyles, Lloyd F., 1585
Wabash county
tour Tougas brothers, first settlers, 547;
the three block forts, 547;
timber and saw mills, 549;
milk sickness, 549;
shiftings of the county seat, 549;
aboriginal remains, 561;
notes from nature, 561;
the Wabash and Mount Carmel, 561;
live stock raising, 561
Walker, Allen E., 1585
Walker, Cecil, 1430
Walker, D. Esco, 718
Walker, H. R., 833
Walker, Jesse, 178
Walker, Lindorf, 1102
Walker, Pinckney J., 833
Wall, James B., 1382
Wall mill, 530
Wall, William A., 754
Wall, William T., 864
Wallace, Coke B., 946
Wallace, Thomas L., 940
Wallace, William 5., 971
Wailer, Elbert, 1227
Walnut Hill, 503
Walser, C. R., 763
Walser, Gaither C., 1619
Walters, Peter C., 1582
Ward, Adam, 1611
Ward, Francis M., 1082
Ward, George F. M., 1524
Ward, Guy C., 327
Ward, Harry B., 1394
Ward, Henry B., 1524
Ward, Julius R., 989
Ward, Robert R., 1001
Ward, Todd P., 1524
War of 1812, 111
Warren, Hooper, 344, 348
Warren, Willie E., 1611
Washburn, Benjamin L., 1076
Washburn, Cicero L., 1494
Washburn, John, 385
Washburne, Elihu B., 250
Washington county
County seat contentions, 552;
Nashville finally selected, 553;
court houses, 553;
city of Nashville, 553;
minor towns, 554
Wastier, Peter, 604
Waterloo, 511
Watson, Andrew, 1455
Wayne county
First settlers and events, 555;
first county seat, 555;
in the wars, 556;
Capt. Thomas W. Scott, 557;
Fairfield, 557;
farm values, 557
Wayne county corn fields (illustration), 556
Weaver, James R; 1461
Weaver, Louis R., 1666
Webb, Byford H4 770
Webb, Isaac H., 1402
Webb, Henry L., 428
Webber, Andrew J., 1307
Weber, Mathias, 1686
Weber, T. C., 1688
Wehrenberg, Charles, 741
Weinel, August F., 1071
Welborn, George B., 1522
Wentworth, John, 251
West, Emanuel J., 346
Westbrook, Samuel (portrait) 539
Western Emporium," 347
Western Monthly Magazine," 347
Western Observer," '348
Western Stage Company, 362
Wheatley, Reuben J., 921
Wheeler Brothers, 1548
Wheeler, Charles B. 1549
Wheeler, Charles W., 589
Wheeler, Fred L., 1550
Wheeler, Walter A., 1584
Whitcomb, Augustus L., 386
Whiteaker, Hall, 747
Whiteaker, Mark, 1328
Whiteaker, William J., 901
White, Horace, 256, 258, 265
White, Isaac, 559
White, James A., 1008
White, W. Thomas, 915
White county
Original physical features, 558;
the county and its sponsor, 558;
early visitors, 559;
Carmi, the county seat, 559;
Enfield, 560;
early-day wild pigeon roost, 560
Whitehead, Noel, 787
Whiteside, Samuel, 115, .185, 186
Whiteside, William, 115
Whiteside statibn (fort), 509
Whitley, Marion 5., 1280
Whittenberg, Alonzo L., 1680
Whittenberg, Daniel W., 1681
Whittenberg, John 5., 1680
Whittenbergs, 1679
Wiebusch, Alfred C. C., 960
Wiegmann, Louis, 1456
Wilcox, J. H. G., 507
Wild Cat banks, 245, 415
Wiley, William W., 771
Wilkins, John, 75
Will, Albert J., 587
Will, Conrad, 172, 482
Willard, Elijah, 205, 543
Willard, Jonathan, 542
Willard, Samuel, 167
Willard, Simon, 812
Williams, Billy, 429
Williams, John C., 1556
Williams, Walter W., 935
Williams, William Green, 483
Williams, William H., 1016
Williams, William M., 680
Williamson, Albert W., 649
Williamson, Thomas B., 1294
William[son] County Fair, Marion (illustrated), 563
Williamson county
Last of Indians, 561;
the Jordan brothers, 561;
industries, 562;
Mexican and Civil war matters, 562;
towns in the county, 564
Williard, Willis, 543
Willis, Jonathan C., 791
Willis, William A., 1218
Wilson, Albert L., 937
Wilson, Alexander, 470
Wilson, Harrison, 471
Wilson, Henry, 1126
Wilson, J. C., 1648
Wilson, Lyman W., 1597
Wilson, S. J. Harry, 819
Wilson, William, 157
Wilson, William A., 1166
Wilson, William P., 1181
Wilson, William 5., 912
Wing, Robert H., 806
Winnebago war (scare), 170, 183
Winter of the deep snow (1830-1), 182
Winthrop, Dempsey, 991
Wisehart, William, 1695
Woelfle, Francis R., 686
Wood, George H., 606
Wood, James N., 608
Wood, John, 146, 174, 256
Wooden pipe used at Equality Salt Works (illustration), 472
Woodside, Edward E., 709
Woodworth, Abner P., 1281
World's Columbian Exposition (see World's Fair)
World's Fair, Chicago, 341
Wren, John, 538
Wright, Joel, 205
Wylie, Walter L., 1202
Yates, Richard, 251, 314, 343
Youngblood, Dewitt C., 1338
Young, George W., 1700
Young, John G., 1345
Zenia, 439, 441
Ziebold, George C., 1368
Ziebold, George W., 1366