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Franklin County, IL


Mt. Tabor School

Goode Twp.

Teachers Class Photos


Welcome! We are pleased you have found this site. We’re hopeful that as an alumnus of the school, a family researcher, an old neighbor in Mt. Tabor school community, or just someone who popped in, you will get a kick out of seeing these old pictures and lists of students and teachers.

Remember that as a one-room school, there was one teacher teaching all eight grades.


Mt. Tabor School was located about one mile north of Sesser on Mt. Tabor Road. In the late 1800’s, the one-room school was given an acre of wooded property by John Roark. During the early 1900’s, this was where elementary age children from Sesser attended, but when the Wilson School was built on the north edge of town in about 1924, the attendance boundaries were shifted.

In 1922, the school had been officially consolidated with the Sesser District Schools and continued to operate as a one-room school until 1941.

Information Sources

School-year photos, teachers, student names and historical material have been provided from a variety of sources including former students, relatives, and historical publications. The photo quality is a bit deficient, but they are the best we’ve been able to find at the present time. As time progresses, we welcome any updated materials.

Help Needed

As noted above, we are in search of additional photos and names of students. Of course, any improved pictures and corrections are also welcomed. Receiving pictures other than the school-year pictures of the school, grounds, and interior shots would be super welcomed.

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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