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Franklin County, IL


Mt. Tabor School Class Photos

Teachers Class Photos

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Dates for the following photos are not known.

Front Row, L to R::
Elmer Crocker, Russell Dycus, Albert Newberry, Evan Warren Page, Thomas Blackburn, Eugene Cockrum, Albert Sink, Marion Reeves

Second Row, L to R:
Edith Goebel, Jennie Saize, Dorothy Crocker, Clara Crocker, Imogean Dycus, Mildred Newberry, Malinda Saize, Juanita Newberry

Back Row, L to R:
Johnny Polick, Verner Reeves, Mary Saize, John Robert Blackburn, Bill Gilliam, Mildred Cockrum, Raymond J. Crocker (Teacher)

Raymond J. Crocker, Teacher

Student names unavailable at this time

Raymond J. Crocker, Teacher

Student names unavailable at this time

Grace Short Rogers, Teacher

Student names unavailable at this time

Grace Short Rogers, Teacher

Student names unavailable at this time

Grace Short Rogers, Teacher

Student names unavailable at this time

Front Row, L to R:
James Newberry, Delbert Newberry, Amos Brown, Robert Allen, Donald Cockrum, Teddy Piper

Second Row, L to R:
Joe Goebel, Don Crocker, Lester Crocker, Bill Brown, Leonard Spotanski, Earl Newberry, Richard Brown

Third Row, L to R:
Martha Pioletti, Florence Crocker, Mary Elizabeth Rogers

Back Row, L to R:
Donnie Piper, Lloyd Allen, Vera Crouch Harris (Teacher)

Vera Crouch Harris, Teacher

Student names unavailable at this time

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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