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Franklin County, IL


White Oak School Class Photos

Student Index Teachers Class Photos

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The Goode and Barren Townships of Franklin County included 8 rural one-room schools during the “early days”. This included: Bear Point, East Center, Hazel Dell, Martin, McGlasson, Mt. Tabor, West Center, and White Oak.

The original purpose of this website was to display information only for the White Oak School so that remains the primary focus of our research efforts. However, other information will be added to the site for nearby schools as it becomes available.

School photos for 1892-1895, 1896-1907, 1908-1912, 1913-1920, 1922-1926, 1928-1929, 1942-1947 and 1950-1951 are missing.

Photos for 1934-1936, 1932-1933, 1926-1928, and 1907-1908 are available, but few or no students are identified at this time.

Eight one-room schools in Goode and Barren Townships are highlighted in pink. Original map created by Paul Rose, Benton.


Front Row, L to R:
Gene Loucks, Doris Bays, Doris Loucks, Vickie Yung, Jean Ann Smith, Helen Keller, Terry Witcher, Lecil Witcher, Jr. …
Second Row, L to R:
Allen Smith, Darrell Keller, Keith Dame, Jim Bays, Suella Yung, Hazel Bloom, Alvin Lloyd, Ralph Keller …
Back Row, L to R:
Loretta Moore, Joyce Bays, Judith Smith, Lester Van Hoorebeke, Jr., Delmar Bloom, Albert J. Dale, Teacher


Front Row, L to R:
Lecil Witcher, Jr., Ralph Keller, Alvin Lloyd, Vickie Yung, Doris Bays, Doris Loucks, Jean Ann Smith …
Second Row, L to R:
Allen Smith, Tom Glasscock, Jr., Darrell Keller, Delmar Bloom, Jim Bays, Suella Yung, Hazel Bloom, Joyce Bays …
Back Row, L to R:
Lester Van Hoorebeke, Jr., Larry Nuhn, Roy Smith, Joyce Smith, Judith Smith, Janet Pierce, Albert J. Dale, (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
Jean Ann Smith, Keith Bays, Delmar Bloom, Henry Rosenberger, Delmar Rosenberger, Allen Smith, Alvin Lloyd, Ralph Keller …
Middle Row, L to R:
Tom Trader, Judith Smith, Larry Nuhn, Suella Yung, Hazel Bloom, Joyce Bays, Jim Bays, Darrell Keller …
Back Row, L to R:
Albert J. Dale (Teacher), Roy Smith, Joyce Smith, Janet Pierce, Bill Yung, Elmer Keller, Jr., Lester Van Hoorebeke, Jr.


Front Row, L to R:
Delmar Rosenberger, Henry Rosenberger, Elmer Keller, Jr., Delmar Bloom, Larry Nuhn …
Middle Row, L to R:
Darrell Keller, Suella Yung, Janet Pierce, Joyce Bays, Judith Smith, Hazel Bloom, Jim Bays, Allen Smith …
Back Row, L to R:
Tom Trader, Roy Pierce, Bill Yung, Kenneth Bloom, Clara Keller, Joyce Smith, Albert J. Dale (Teacher), Curtis Stoner, Lester Van Hoorebeke, Jr.


Front Row, L to R:
Larry Nuhn, Delmar Rosenberger, Lester Van Hoorebeke, Jr., Gerald Clampet, Henry Rosenberger, Bill Yung, Kenneth Bloom …
Middle Row, L to R:
Janet Pierce, Hazel Bloom, Judith Smith, Suella Yung, Joyce Bays, Roy Pierce …
Back Row, L to R:
Curtis Stoner, John Stoner, Joyce Van Hoorebeke, Joyce Smith, Linda Pierce, Kenneth Van Hoorebeke, Jett Murry Epperson (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
Roy Pierce, Gerald Clampet, Lester Van Hoorebeke, Jr., Bill Yung, Curtis Stoner, John Stoner, Jim Burroughs, Jesse Van Hoorebeke …
Middle Row, L to R:
Danny Burroughs, Suella Yung, _____, Karen Dame, Darlene Burroughs, Judy Robinson, Helen Bloom, Hazel Bloom, Janet Pierce, Joyce Van Hoorebeke, Delmar Bloom, April Isom, Joyce Bays, Lorraine Burroughs …
Back Row, L to R:
Jett Murry Epperson (Teacher), Kenneth Bloom, Kerry Isom, Larry Nuhn, Jerry Burroughs, Eric Isom, Linda Pierce, Maxine Dublo, Patsy Darrough, Lendell Prior


Front Row, L to R:
Kenneth Van Hoorebeke, Rodney Hannis, Gerald Clampet, Bill Yung, Lecil Hamilton, Larry Nuhn, Lester Van Hoorebeke, Jr., Danny Burroughs …
Middle Row, L to R:
Hazel Bloom, Kye Robinson, Joyce Van Hoorebeke, Joyce Bays, Janet Pierce, Lorraine Burroughs, Janice Boswell, Helen Bloom, Delmar Bloom …
Back Row, L to R:
Kerry Isom, Jim Burroughs, Kenneth Bloom, Patsy Darrough, Neva Van Hoorebeke, Eric Isom, David Burroughs, Jack Duckworth, Jerry Burroughs, Roy Pierce, Linda Pierce, Jett Murry Epperson (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
Rodney Hannis, Danny Burroughs, Roy Pierce, Jerry Downen, Tom Trader, Lester Van Hoorebeke, Jr., Bill Yung, Jerry Burroughs …
Middle Row, L to R:
Joyce Van Hoorebeke, Janet Pierce, Lecil Hamilton, Gerald Clampet, Jim Burroughs, Judy Murry, Janice Boswell …
Back Row, L to R:
David Burroughs, Neva Van Hoorebeke, Alma Pierce, Jack Duckworth, Linda Pierce, Gayla Roberts, Patsy Darrough, Faye Hannis, Jett Murry Epperson (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
Eric Isom, Kenneth Van Hoorebeke, Kerry Isom, Tom Trader, Gerald Clampet, John Tolotti, Lecil Hamilton, Bill Yung, Roy Pierce …
Middle Row, L to R:
Marion Presley, Jackie Wallace, Melvin Darrough, Gene Dame, Jack Duckworth, Burleigh Murry, Jr., Darlene Wallace, Joyce Van Hoorebeke …
Back Row, L to R:
Neva Van Hoorebeke, Gayla Roberts, Linda Pierce, Glenda Tolotti, Neoma Pierce, Norma Wallace, Rose Marie Tolotti, Phyllis Wallace, Jett Murry Epperson (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
Eric Isom, Kenneth Van Hoorebeke, Kerry Isom, Gerald Clampet ….
Second Row:
Jackie Wallace … Third Row, L to R: Judy Murry, _____, Joyce Van Hoorebeke …
Fourth Row, L to R:
Roy Pierce, Patsy Darrough, Neva Van Hoorebeke, Rose Marie Tolotti, Glenda Tolotti, Darlene Wallace, Phyllis Wallace …
Fifth Row, L to R:
Linda Pierce, Marion Presley, Jack Duckworth, Gene Dame, Norma Wallace, Carrol Clampet …
Back Row, L to R:
Melvin Darrough, Modena Pierce, Glenda Wallace, Frank Shurtz


Front Row, L to R:
Joe Robinson, Linda Pierce, Neva Van Hoorebeke, Jack Duckworth, Marion Presley, Marvin Whittington, Kenneth Van Hoorebeke …
Middle Row, L to R:
Patsy Kirk, Neoma Pierce, Modena Pierce, Virgil Robinson, Carrol Clampet, Frank Shurtz, Gene Dame …
Back Row:
Clara Allen (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
Lyle Bates, Virgil Robinson, Carrol Clampet, Elmer Bates, Donald Clampet (with Trixie, visitor), Bob McBride, Arthur McBride …
Middle Row, L to R:
Mary Lou Bates, Juanita Bates, Neoma Pierce, Dona Lee Page, Eleanor Lou Shurtz, Sandra Murry, Betty Pierce, Modena Pierce …
Back Row, L to R:
Edna Bates, Clara Crocker Brown (Teacher), _____, Annabel Murry, William G. Forrest, Bob Yung, Olen Howard Page, Harl Thompson, _____


Front Row, L to R:
Arthur McBride, Donald Clampet, Charles McBride, Bob McBride, Elmer Bates, Carrol Clampet …
Middle Row, L to R:
Modena Pierce, Dona Lee Page, Sandra Murry, Juanita Bates, Eleanor Lou Shurtz, Betty Pierce, Mary Lou Bates …
Back Row, L to R:
William G. Forrest, Bob Yung, Annabel Murry, Harl Thompson, Edna Bates, Vera Galloway Boyd (Teacher), Olen Howard Page.


Front Row, L to R:
Charles McBride, Bob McBride, Dona Lee Page, Betty Pierce, Anna Mae Page, Edna Bates, Annabel Murry, Sandra Murry, Eleanor Lou Shurtz, Juanita Bates, Donald Clampet, Elmer Bates …
Back Row, L to R:
William G. Forrest, Olen Howard Page, Ross Murry, Wayne Shurtz, Paul Morgan, Billy Dean Sands (Visitor), Harl Thompson, Bob Yung, Vera Galloway Boyd (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
Donald Clampet, Bob Yung, William G. Forrest, Elmer Bates …
Middle Row, L to R:
Dona Lee Page, Sandra Murry, Edna Bates, Anna Mae Page, Annabel Murry, Juanita Bates, Eleanor Lou Shurtz …
Back Row, L to R:
Olen Howard Page, Ross Murry, Paul Morgan, Gale Wingo, Wayne Shurtz, Harl Thompson, Chesta Yung Clampet (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
_____, Olen Howard Page, William G. Forrest, Bob Yung, Paul Morgan, Dwight Quillman, Elmer Bates, Donald Clampet …
Middle Row, L to R:
Dona Lee Page, Juanita Bates, Eleanor Lou Shurtz, _____, Edna Bates, Annabel Murry, Anna Mae Page, Leona Quillman …
Back Row, L to R:
Ross Murry, Harl Thompson, Wayne Shurtz, Donald Forrest, Avis Robinson, Chesta Yung Clampet (Teacher), Hilda Shurtz, Arthur Robinson, Bill Crocker, Burton Crocker


Front Row, L to R:
Olen Howard Page, William G. Forrest, Donald Forrest, Bob Yung, Emil Pierce, Ross Murry, Dwight Quillman, Donald Clampet …
Second Row, L to R:
Eleanor Lou Shurtz, Shirley Pierce, Anna Mae Page, Emma Pierce, Annabel Murry, Leona Quillman, Frances Merkel … Third Row, L to R: Paul Morgan, Wayne Shurtz, Burton Crocker, Bill Crocker, Arthur Robinson, Arthur Dewey Carter Jr., Avis Robinson, Harl Thompson …
Back Row, L to R:
Wanda Carter, Hilda Shurtz, Ronald Gulley (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
William G. Forrest, _____, Harl Thompson, Avis Robinson, Arthur Robinson, _____, Dwight Quillman …
Middle Row, L to R:
_____, _____, Hilda Shurtz, Leona Quillman, _____ … Back Row (Students), L to R: Bill Crocker, _____, _____, Burton Crocker, _____, _____ … Back Row: J. Fred Crouch (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
_____, Wayne Shurtz, _____, _____, _____, _____, William G. Forrest … Middle Row, L to R: Bob Yung, Avis Robinson, Arthur Robinson, Bill Crocker, Burton Crocker, _____ …
Back Row, L to R:
_____, _____, J. Fred Crouch (Teacher), _____, _____, Hilda Shurtz, _____


Front Row, L to R:
Avis Robinson, Paul Morgan, Burton Crocker, Arthur Robinson, Donald Forrest, Harl Thompson, Dwight Quillman, Wayne Shurtz …
Second Row, L to R:
Lowell Dame, Orley Robinson, Ted Morgan, Arthur Pierce, Elmer Crocker, Gail Wingo, Bill Crocker, William G. Forrest …
Third Row, L to R:
Hilda Shurtz, Aleta Hamilton, Dorothy Crocker, Clara Crocker, Ivan Dame, Lester Muir, Joe Waicukauski, Everett Hamilton …
Back Row:
Herman C. Goin (Teacher)


Herman C. Goin, Teacher.
Student names unavailable at this time.


Front Row, L to R:
Burton Crocker, Elmer Crocker, Bill Crocker, Gail Wingo, Lowell Dame, Orley Robinson, Arthur Pierce, Arthur Robinson …
Second Row, L to R:
Aleta Hamilton, Clara Crocker, Ivan Dame, Lester Muir, Everett Hamilton, Harl Hamilton, Joe Waicukauski, Everett Thompson, Paul Morgan …
Back Row, L to R:
Warden Dame, Herman C. Goin (Teacher), Willard Hicks, Paul Hamilton, Lina Goin (Wife of Teacher), Virginia Hamilton, Altha Darrough, Dorothy Crocker


Front Row, L to R:
Burton Crocker, Gale Wingo, Lowell Dame, Darrell Prior, Edward Harmon, Raleigh Harrison Jr., Avis Robinson, Orley Robinson, Elmer Crocker, Bill Crocker, Arthur Robinson …
2nd Row, L to R:
Arthur Pierce, Everett Thompson, Ted Morgan, Ivan Dame, Lester Muir, Dallas Prior, Russell Dycus, Everett Hamilton, Harl Hamilton, Joe Waicukauski …
3rd Row, L to R:
Mildred Harmon, Bertha Laur, Imogene Dycus, Virginia Hamilton, Altha Darrough, Dorothy Crocker, Clara Crocker, Roberta Harmon, Aleta Hamilton, Maxine Taylor …
Back Row:
Herman Goin (Teacher)


Front Row, L to R:
Arthur Pierce, Elmer Crocker, Everett Thompson, Ivan Dame, Harl Hamilton, Lowell Dame, Arthur Robinson, Evan Warren Page …
Second Row, L to R:
Ellery Robinson, Billy Brown, Everett Hamilton, Lester Muir, Jesse Eubanks, Joe Waicukauski …
Third Row, L to R:
Aleta Hamilton, Clara Crocker, Dorothy Crocker …
Back Row, L to R:
Warden Dame, Lester Eubanks, Paul Hamilton, Willard Hicks, Altha Darrough, Mary Wingo, Virginia Hamilton, Burleigh A. Murry (Teacher)


Caras A. McBride, Teacher.
Student names unavailable at this time.


Caras A. McBride, Teacher.
Student names unavailable at this time.


Front Row, L to R:
J. L. Hamilton, Roy Yung, Steve Pierce, Nina Isom, Lester Hammonds, Lester Eubanks, Warden Dame …
2nd Row, L to R:
Gertrude Tackitt, Mabel Dame, Victor Yung, Eldridge Laur, Clyde Isom, Alden Cockrum, Jett Murry …
3rd Row, L to R:
Lucille Dame, Ella Mae Murray, Ruby Hammonds, Myreta Laur, Bertie Isom, Henry Marlowe, Teacher …
Back Row, L to R:
Cecil Dame, Oren Cockrum, Burress Tackitt


Front Row, L to R:
Willard Murry, Steve Pierce, _____, Lester Eubanks, Warden Dame, Alden Cockrum, Clyde Isom, Eldridge Laur, Leo Murry, Leslie Harmon, Pierce McDaniel, Lester Hammonds, Roy Yung, J.L. Hamilton …
2nd Row, L to R:
Mariah Page, Ruth Robinson, Ella Mae Murray, Gertrude Tackitt, Mildred Gulley, Nina Isom, Sybil Page, Mabel Dame, Jett Murry, Lois Eubanks, Alice Murray, Wanda Gulley, Ruby Hammonds, Golden Robinson, Bertie Isom, Myreta Laur …
3rd Row, L to R:
Allie Murray, Chesta Yung, Alreva Laur, William H. Forrest, Burress Tackitt, Alfred Pierce, Dallas Murry, Ralph Tackitt, Oren “Buck” Murry, Glenn Murry …
Back Row, L to R: H.
Clay Ing (County Superintendent), William A. Forrest (Director), George Yung (Director), Raymond Crocker (Teacher), John Laur (Director)


Front Row, L to R:
Lucille Dame, Iva Clampet, Chesta Yung, Lillian Laur, Sylvia Gulley, Louie Laur, Myreta Laur, Willard Clampet, Iva Thompson, Iva Black, Lula Thompson, Aleta Harland, Oren Cockrum, Burress Tackitt, William H. Forrest, Roy Laur, Ray McCollom, Opal Stevens, Selwyn Martin, Jimmie Harris, Ralph Tackitt, _____ …
Back Row, L to R:
George Yung (Director), Horace Mallory (Teacher), Truman Dame (Visitor), Vertice McCollom, _____, Olen Hodge, Evelyn Page, Charlie Dame, Bertha Holley, Nora Thompson, Cora Thompson, _____, Helen Page, Bertha Stevens, Maude Cockrum, John Forrest, Francis Hodge, Cecil Dame, Arthur Holly, George Stevens, Ewell Gulley, William Forrest (Director)


Roy A. Gulley, Teacher. Student names in picture are unavailable at this time.

However, a school record kept by Mr. Gulley during the early term shows the following students enrolled:
Walter Norris, Thomas Dempsey, Edward Short, Floyd Short, Melvin Humphreys, Carl Short, Charles Dame, Raymond Dame, Arthur Dame, Arthur Norris, Ernest Eaton, Phillip Pierce, William Humphreys, Ray Norris, George Stevens, John Forrest, Luther Stevison, Dewey Smith, Earl Smith, Dewey Reeves, Arthur Jenkel, Earl Cockrum, Roy Thompson, Albert Dame, Truman Dame, Oscar Short, Herbert Clampet, Raymond Clampet, Verner Clampet, Stanton Eubanks, Vern Eubanks, Earl Cockrum, Elmina Isom, Lillian Short, Joy Short, Bertie Stevens, Maude Stephens, Sara Short, Myrtle Pierce, Ora Cockrum, Maude Cockrum, Dora Herman, Maggie Hamilton, Goldie Forrest, Emily Dempsey, Velma Humphreys, Ollie Stephens, Georgia Isom, Grace Short, Dollie Silkwood, Lizzie Silkwood, Flossie Stevens, Nellie Reeves, Belle Smith, Emma Hammonds, Emma Eubanks, Pearl Eubanks, Pearl Burton


Front Row, L to R:
Scott Webb, Asa Pierce, Oscar Yung, Dolph Downen, Willie Phillips, Charles Silkwood, Avery Chapman, Willie Turner, Sam Veach, Ellis Downen, Howard Murphy, Otto Thompson, Dan Yung, Andy Murray, Les Downen …
2nd Row, L to R:
Effet Isom, Ida Veach, Anna Berg, Mary Silkwood, Laura Eaton, Betty Veach, Lora Anderson, Anna Webb, Pearl Cockrum, Alta Murphy, Bertha Pierce, Hattie Cockrum, Angeline Isom …
3rd Row, L to R:
R.C. Humphrey (Teacher), Laura Phillips, Myrtle Isom, Nancy Masters, Nancy Cockrum, Anna Isom, Emma Stevison, Oscar Turner, George Murray, Shelby Murray, Ed Berg, Walter Butts, Roe Veach, Charles Isom, John Silkwood, Will Isom, Charles Turner, Jess Hamilton, Elza Isom …
4th Row, L to R:
George Silkwood, Richard Webb, Bessie Silkwood, Rose Dame, Clarenda Dame, Cora Forrest, Nancy Forrest, Georgia Isom, Eursla Short, Ellen Reynolds, Rella Isom, Ellen McCollom, Ruie Chapman, Myrtle Chapman, Nettie Downen, Viola Eaton, Ethel Eaton …
Back Row, L to R:
Nancy Hamilton, Will McCollom, Alva Pierce, Erston Cockrum, Sam Short, Fred Cockrum, John Stevison, Lea Isom, Lizzie Stevison, Laura Hamilton, Alva Stevison, Fred Yung, Albert Masters … Not visible in picture: John McCollom, George Yung, Charles Berg


Front Row, L to R:
Jack Cook, Rella Isom, Nancy Masters, Myrtle Isom, Laura Phillips, Ethel Eaton, John Silkwood, John Dilliner, Ozro Murphy, Dan Yung, Elmer Hill …
2nd Row, L to R:
James Mooneyham (Teacher), Effie Isom, Emma Stevison, Laura Eaton, Willie Phillips, George Yung, George Silkwood, Anna Isom, Richard Webb, Jess Hamilton, Anna Webb …
3rd Row, L to R:
Alva Pierce, John Short, John McCollom, Essie Sharp, Alta Murphy, Bertha Pierce, Cicero Cook, Fred Yung, Betty Veach, Tennessee Isom …
Back Row, L to R:
James McCollom, Will McCollom, Ruzie Murray, Nancy Hamilton, Ada Isom, Ida Isom, Olive Veach, Sam Short, Malissa Stevison

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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